This time of year is very difficult for my family as we lost my nephew Noah to suicide.  I write to remind folks that teens can become depressed and even suicidal. I hope that no other families will have to experience this pain. Suicide does not end pain, it just passes the pain to those who love you.

Please share the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. Depression is treatable. Let’s prevent teen suicide. If you feel your teen is depressed, reach out to the hotline, call your pediatric healthcare provider, or mental health provider.  Take action.  Do not delay.
*Note after July 16, 2022, Calling 988 will direct you to the above lifeline.

In this busy season, there are so many things to do.  One of those things includes taking your child to the pediatric health clinic.  As a pediatric healthcare provider, I want to give you some simple hints to make each visit a little more productive and hopefully smoother. Read my article to see the 12 tips I recommend for a smoother visit:

Please be extra patient as there are staffing shortages everywhere.